Three Things Microsoft Learned from the Windows 10 Version 1809 Fiasco 您所在的位置:网站首页 things 3 windows Three Things Microsoft Learned from the Windows 10 Version 1809 Fiasco

Three Things Microsoft Learned from the Windows 10 Version 1809 Fiasco

2022-05-26 10:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Microsoft has recently confirmed that the next OS feature update for Windows 10 would be called May 2019 Update, and as part of the official announcement, the company has also announced a series of changes supposed to improve the updating experience.

In essence, all these improvements are meant to help the software giant avoid making the same mistakes twice, which should without a doubt be a priority for the company after the Windows 10 version 1809 fiasco.

For starters, the latest Windows 10 feature update, officially called October 2018 Update and launched as version 1809, was released, then pulled, the re-published due to a critical issue that might have caused the removal of user files stored in libraries. The revised version still came with bugs, and not only that Microsoft slowed down the rollout, but users themselves tried to push back the update as … (read more)

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